
  • Congratulations on the new web site. It looks like a real winner. Unlike the other fishing Web Sites, from 976BITE anglers will be able to get same day information. My first advice to any angler is to find out where the fish are and spend your time there. Over the past few years the information I have received from you has not only put me on the fish, but has put me in position to do very well in competition. In the Tuna Challenge as well as the ILTT Marlin Tournament you have given me information to put me in the winners circle repeatedly.
    Your network of top skippers generates the best, most timely, and most reliable information available in San Diego. Keep up the good work!

    Bob Woodard
  • Bob:
    I’ve been fishing the San Diego offshore waters for about 30 years now and for some reason I’ve gotten a lot better at it recently. Of course, I would like to think this new success is do to the skills of the Skipper and crew or even the ‘new’ boat. However, the real reason for the success is that I now have good information on where fish were caught in the 24hours before I leave the dock. This information from 976 bite was just not available to private boaters in the past. Your service provides two keys to good, safe fishing:

    1: The WEATHER. There are many sources for information about marine weather but none are as accurate or as helpful as information from boaters who are at the location you plan to fish. Indeed NOAA, buoy reports , the swell model and other resources are frequently misleading for trips to the waters west of Ensenada.

    2: FISH Location. I tend to plot the location of fish obtained from 976 bite for several days before I actually fish (often on SST maps). This gives me an idea of fish movement as well as the relationship to surface temperature. If our recent successes are any indication this seems to work pretty well.
    Keep up the good work and I look forward to using your web page

    Jim Covell
  • Dear Bob –
    Just a word about your service-

    Many of us out of San Diego regularly look forward to your reports covering “local” fishing for we have always found that you are current, up-to-date, and very accurate.

    But we do not confine our fishing to just “local” areas. We try to fish where the fish are and are always looking for information about where the current “bite” happens to be. Thus, we are looking for reports about activities at San Clemente Island, Catalina, Santa Barbara, and all “hot spots” up and down the coast – often as far as Marina Del Rey. We don’t expect you to give the daily calico bass, bottom fish, or sardine bite, but as the season progresses you seem to be able to follow the fish – whichever or wherever they might be (both North and South) – and report accordingly.

    So, thank you for all your help and I look forward to your regular reports (often more than once a day) as the season progresses.

    Marty Morris
  • Bob the new site is great… !

    I will subscribe.. Suggestion is it possible to include a visual aid? Like a chart with red dots or something? Maybe a screen shot of the computer chart that you use. It would be great!

    I am going back down to the Coral Marina next weekend fishing my 32 Blackfin “Black Jack” and will talk to you before I go!


    Bill Grasska II
  • Hi Bob.
    If anyone is wondering whether to take a membership of your site, I can only talk about my personal experience.

    We fish out of Dana Point and we do not leave the dock without your report. We will fish anywhere from the west end of Catalina to the 31.00 line down south and your information is always accurate and, most of all, current.

    I tried another well known fish report service for a couple of years but found the information to be generally out of date and mostly focused on party boat catches. We had several long trips where we felt we were simply in the wrong place and several days late.

    Your site has a lot of private boat information which is relevant to us. It is a big ocean out there and we NEED help to find the fish. That is what you give us. Most of us need to at least know where to start when we leave the dock-especially if we have a 200 mile trip ahead of us.

    You have some very good fishermen who regularly pass information to you and that information is worth its weight in gold. I know you go to great lengths to validate your information and that matters to me.

    We have all chased “radio fish” but you are very candid about any suspect information. If I am going to run 100 miles I need to be pretty sure I am going to the right place, or if I am fishing the 209 or 277 I want to be the first one there.

    Accurate and current information is everything. You have never given me bad information. I also find that other members pass on information on the water and some of them I have never met. I just know them as a radio voice and another member of your site.

    As I said, this is only my experience. I simply do not go out without printing the previous week’s reports plus Terrafin charts and then I have everything I need.

    BTW-we catch more than our fair share of fish.

    Dave Devoy from the Scot Free
  • Bob,
    Your new website looks great and I’m really excited about being able to access your reports by pc. Owning a gas boat, your reports have saved me many fuel dollars over the past few years and have consistently put me in the HBZ. Let me know as soon as you decide what the service is going to cost – I can’t afford to not sign up.

    Barry Rockwell – Drift-A-Way
  • Bob,

    Your web site is great, a lot of good information, it should do real well, and I like the section on Oceanside since that’s where I fish out of most of the time. Couldn’t get out last weekend, maybe next weekend if fishing holds up.

    Talk to you soon.

    Tom Parnakian
  • Bob,

    Congratulations on your new website. I have been a telephone subscriber for quite sometime.

    I like the picture of you and your dog. I often take my chocolate lab Coco offshore fishing.

    Walt Bonnie Rose